Where was Hijack shot? Filming locations of Idris Elba's new series explored
Hijack, starring 50-year-old actor Idris Elba, will premiere on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, on Apple TV+. The show will see the actor's character, Sam Nelson, using his negotiation skills in an attempt to save the day and rescue every hostage on the plane. The mission, however, is harder than it looks, as there are several parties involved in the entire ruckus.
Alongside Elba, the show will also star Archie Panjabi as Zahra Gahfoor, Christine Adams as Marsha Smith-Nelson, Max Beesley as DI Daniel Farrell, and Eve Myles as Alice Sinclair. They are joined by Neil Maskell as Stuart Atterton, Kate Phillips as Collette, Aimée Kelly as Jamie Constantinou, Ben Miles as Robin Allen, and several others.
While much of the series unfolds on a plane, Hijack was filmed primarily in the UK, in the city of London and the mellow town of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.
Hijack on Apple TV+: Where was the thriller filmed?
1) London
The city of London lies on the banks of the River Thames, and Hijack was shot here extensively. It is the capital and the largest city of England and the United Kingdom, with a population of nearly 9 million. The city has a rich and vibrant culture, with more than 300 languages being spoken among the citizens. The first major human settlements in this city began back in 47 AD.
Thousands of tourists visit London every year to witness its glory to the fullest. It has four World Heritage sites, namely, the palaces of Westminster and Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, Kew Gardens, and St Margaret's Church. Some other popular tourist destinations are the Buckingham Palace, St Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, Piccadilly Circus, and Trafalgar Square.
2) Aylesbury
Aylesbury is a town situated in Buckinghamshire, South East England. This particular area even shares its borders with London. It's historic in nature as its origins date back to the 13th century. The famous Roald Dahl Children's Gallery and Waterside Theatre are located in the town of Aylesbury.
Some of its most popular tourist destinations are the Church of St Mary, Aylesbury, The Old Grammar School, Bucks "New" County offices, Blue Leanie, the 15th century King's Head Inn, Aylesbury railway station, Hobgoblin Inn, Church Street, and the Beer garden of King's Head Inn, among others. Some parts of Stanley Kubrick's legendary 1971 film A Clockwork Orange were shot in this town, but they were ultimately edited out.
What is Hijack about? Synopsis and more explored
According to an official Apple+ press release, the synopsis of the show reads,
"Told in real time, “Hijack” is a tense thriller that follows the journey of a hijacked plane as it makes its way to London over a seven-hour flight, and authorities on the ground scramble for answers."It further states,
"Elba will star as Sam Nelson, an accomplished negotiator in the business world who needs to step up and use all his guile to try and save the lives of the passengers — but, his high-risk strategy could be his undoing. Panjabi will play the role of Zahra Gahfoor, a counterterrorism officer who is on the ground when the plane is hijacked and becomes part of the investigation."The executive producers of the show are Idris Elba, George Kay, Jim Field Smith, Kris Thykier, Hakan Kousetta, and Jamie Laurenson. It has been created by George Kay and Jim Field Smith. 60Forty Films, Archery Pictures, Green Door Pictures, and Idiotlamp Productions are the official production companies of the show.
Hijack will premiere worldwide on June 28, 2023, on Apple TV+.
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