Me and Billy expanding in downtown Davenport
One of Davenport’s most popular restaurants Me and Billy is expanding with a new event space.
The expansion sits right next door replacing a photography shop.
“When this space became available we were very excited and we had all different kinds of ideas,” said owner Bill Collins.
“It was time to update we’ve been here five years and we want to keep relevant,” he said. “We want to keep people interested in what we’re doing.”
Collins said it’s not only about updating and renovating.
“It’s also about job creation, we’re probably creating more jobs because of this space,” Collins said.
“Expansions like this are always great anytime small businesses and the people that are already invested here can grow more is the biggest win of all,” said Davenport Partnership Executive Director Kyle Carter. “Everybody likes to talk about new stuff but it’s also nice to see what we have here grow,” he said.
An expansion Carter said is a win for the city’s economic growth.
“We’ve continued to see residential growth there’s several hundred apartments still along the way,” Carter said. We’re up over 1,400 units across downtown now so residential continues to be a meter driver and now you’re seeing retail follow,” he said. “That with things like expansion of Me and Billy, Rome is coming, there’s another restaurant on East second that’s being constructed right now,” said Carter.
Carter said there is no slowing down when it comes to new developments.
“Momentum is real and momentum has value and the minute you let off the gas, if you’re not growing you’re dying,” Carter said. “It’s important that we continue to build on what we’ve started with, we’ve had over a billion dollars invested in this downtown in the last 15 years,” he said.
Continuing to keep downtown Davenport a popular destination.
“Retention and recruitment of our workforce is the number one goal, we’re looking for better quality of life and we’re creating it,” Carter said. “You can never fly the mission accomplished banner because work in a community is never done.”
The project consists of three phases, one of which has already been completed.
Private events such as retirement parties and business meetings will be held in the new space for up to 60 people.
The expansion will also push the release of their winter/fall menu back as well.